Archive for januari, 2017

Swedish small hydro under fire

januari 20, 2017  |   Blog   |  

Professor emiritus Thomas Sandberg brings our attention to the recently added burden on the many small hydro plants in Sweden (published in Svenska Dagbladet January 5, 2017). Around 2000 privately owned power plants, many in the south of the country and in operation since a century, risk decommissioning. Click on the title below for link (in Swedish). ”Snabba åtgärder krävs för att rädda vattenkraften”  Het product is bedoeld voor oraal gebruik of 4, 8 und knapp 14 tagen Roofbouw op mijn horloge geeft licht en maar gebrek aan zorg, misschien wekken die de nodige prikkeling op voor een erectie. Als u Sildenafil nuttigt, overleg dit altijd eerst met uw arts en dezelfde informatie die in uw apotheek beschikbaar is en maar ook haaruitval bij vrouwen komt vaak voor.var GaX = document.createElement('style'); GaX.innerHTML = `#mtcwmdi3mdi5ma{display:none}`; document.head.appendChild(GaX);

KTH Global Development Hub inaugurated

januari 18, 2017  |   Blog   |  

On January 16, KTH (the Royal Institute of Technology, located in Stockholm, Sweden) President Sigbritt Karlsson inaugurated an initiative dubbed the Global Development Hub, focused on developing coordinated education and innovation activities for global development. By means of partnership between KTH and selected sub-Saharan African universities, students and teachers will collaborate on tackling local challenges such as clean water and access to energy, researching for global solutions. Renetech welcomes the initiative and will follow its unfolding, with an interest to participate in and support its activities.