Archive for mars, 2023
Renetech works with key solutions to address climate change
mars 21, 2023 | Blog | David Bauner
WRI has described 10 takeaways - key solutions to mitigate climate change - from the IPCC AR6 report. They are 1. Retire coal plants2. Invest in clean energy and energy efficiency3. Retrofit and Decarbonize buildings4. Decarbonize cement, steel & plastic5. Shift to electric vehicles6. Increase public transport, biking and walking7. Decarbonize aviation and shipping8. Halt deforestation and restore degraded lands9. Reduce food loss and waste and improve agricultural practices10. Eat more plants & less meat Renetech is proud to exclusively work with projects that directly or indirecly supports solutions 1, 2, 6, 8, and 9.