
Development of a NAMA for the Charcoal Value Chain in Kenya

Renetech CTO David Bauner was appointed Renewable Energy Expert for the development of a sectoral Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMA) for the Charcoal sector in Kenya, commissioned by UNDP. Bauner is sourced through EVI (Emergent Ventures India) and the project manager is Eco-Act with head office in France.

The sector provides the cooking energy for around 70% of the urban and 30% of the rural population. It has a turnover at par with the national tea industry, but is at present outside of the fiscal system. The present value chain is likely not sustainable, causing deforestation and providing resources for illegal activities. (2015-2016)

The Partnership on Women’s Entrepreneurship in Renewables (wPOWER) has published the project report  here.

The Kenyan Government has subsequently submitted a NAMA Support Project to the NAMA Facility, proposing a budget of 51 MEUR for its implementation, of which 13,6 MEUR is requested from the NAMA Facility.