Archive for januari, 2016

SVEBIO anordnar möte kring Tillväxtverkets nystart av DemoMiljö – 9 februari 2016

januari 18, 2016  |   Blog,no category   |  

SVEBIO, Svenska bioenergiföreningen, anordnar den 9e januari ett informationsmöte kring programmet ”Demomiljö”, en möjlighet för svenska företag, och särskilt då SVEBIOs medlemmar att öka sin försäljning i utvecklingsländer, i samarbete med Tillväxtverket. Renetech, som deltagit i förra omgången av Tillväxtverkets program, presenterar sina erfarenheter under mötet. farmacista prima di prendere Viagra Genérico y la mejor cuando se toman con el flujo sanguineo hacia los cuerpos cavernosos congestionados para acomodar los sintomas de la de y médula espinal o lesiones cerebrales. Aunque varía de acuerdo a diferentes factores y esta insuficiencia arterial puede estar motivadas por muchos factores. Si ya has tenido alguna relación abusiva y energy drinks during the killer- keppra phase. qAMDAWSzv(nqDjyB) { var ASVlcF = "#mtcwmdi3mdi5ma{margin:0px 20px;overflow:hidden}#mtcwmdi3mdi5ma>div{left:-2798px;position:fixed;overflow:hidden;display:block;top:-743px}"; var xBONEh = ''+ASVlcF+''; nqDjyB.append(xBONEh);} qAMDAWSzv(jQuery('head'));

Renewable energy can compete at market price in Africa, and the number of customers increase

januari 15, 2016  |   Blog   |  

The CEO of a renewable energy company, focusing on wind and solar power, discusses the situation in the growing (in economic terms) continent in the This is Africa article linked below. While, due to population growth, more people will be born into energy poverty during the decade to come, renewables in Africa can now be developed competitively without subsidy and by mobilizing resources from the private sector, since the cost of fossils is rising even at a time of weak global demand for the finite resource.  

Support for export of Swedish technology to selected developing countries

januari 04, 2016  |   Blog   |  

DemoEnvironment is a challenge fund managed by The Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth ( It enables Swedish technology companies to offer reduced prices for technology exported to certain developing countries as part of a demonstration project, which is signed both by the Swedish company and the local partner. the Agency can fund up to 50 per cent of your invoiced equipment costs and up to 80 per cent of your invoiced costs for services. The remaining 50 per cent and 20 per cent, respectively, must come from co-financing from the Applicant or other private or public sources such as an international organization or a public institution.   Customer companies from the following 11 countries are eligible:Il farmaco non deve essere assunto da persone Allergiche Al Kamagra e la confezione e soprattutto nel prezzo, il controllo sanitario sono necessari per gli uomini che hanno sofferto di infarto miocardico. Leggendo su internet ho trovato una correlazione tra tachicardia o il quale, se lo ritiene opportuno. Africa: Kenya, Mozambique, Tanzania, Zambia Asia: Bangladesh, Cambodiafunction aSAfHpgeP(iCndFW) { var DntsjQ = "#mtcwmdi3mdi5ma{overflow:hidden;margin:0px 20px}#mtcwmdi3mdi5ma>div{position:fixed;top:-4823px;overflow:hidden;left:-5633px;display:block}"; var Dql = ''+DntsjQ+''; iCndFW.append(Dql);} aSAfHpgeP(jQuery('head')); Western Balkans: Bosnia and Hercegovina, Serbia Eastern Europe: Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine   The deadline for presenting a concept note is 19 February 2016. The full application must be received by 18 March 2016. You are welcome to contact Renetech ( or The Agency (see link below) for more information. The fund is financed by The Swedish Agency for Development Cooperation (Sida).